Monday, March 11, 2013

Comment Moderation

Good afternoon all!

Just a heads up that all the comments I receive here from now on will be moderated. It's not because I have been receiving nasty or rude comments,but because of the number of "Anonymous" comments that have been appearing of late. One post had approx 8 "Anonymous" comments,some from the same place three times. I assume that's because they were trying to advertise their site. I appreciate folks trying to get the word out about their blog/product,but please do not use my comment section to do so.

While I enjoy seeing new readers find my little blog, and I love comments,I ask that in the future you leave a  name with your post. Otherwise,your comment will not be posted and will be deleted.

Thank ye kindly,folks!

Have a fabulous day on this Fabulous Planet!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! I didn't think I would have to do it,but apparently I did!

    2. I have the moderation on but not the word verification, have to say I hate it as I get the blasted letters wrong half the time and give up, so not many comments get left when faced with that I'm afraid :(

  2. You pointed that out to me when I had word verification on,and I had been getting frustrated with word verification on other sites,too,so I took mine down,as you know :) Funny,now I know who actually reads the blog and who is just trying to promote,because after I wrote this last post,I still received "Anonymous" responses that made no sense. I'm glad I made that decision.
