Zach had a great week. Tuesday night,Rick's brother Dale and his son Brody,as well as an old Shaw family friend who is just like a brother,Scottie,came over. They had a mission that everyone but Zach was aware of:they were giving Zach a four wheeler. Dale apparently traded some things with someone else,and Brody saw this 80cc Suzuki four wheeler,which he thought would be great for Zach. So they got it for him. ( That is Brody standing behind Zach in the photo above). After Zach had taken it out for a spin,Brody asked if he liked it,to which Zach said yes!! So Brody handed him the keys and said,"It's yours." Zach looked a bit confused,so he turned to Dale,who confirmed that the four wheeler was now his. Zach broke into a huge smile,and gave Brody and his Uncle Dale each a huge hug. Zach does have a helmet and is not allowed to ride without it. We have some trails out back on our neighbors property,which we are allowed on. There are also many ATV trails in NH,which Zach cannot ride until the machine is registered and he takes a safety class. Brody and Dale each have ATV's,and they said they will take Zach riding on their trails soon. So far he has only driven around the yard and up the dirt road,which is a private class 6 road.
We have been enjoying the lettuce,and now my National Pickling cukes are popping out-one is probably ready to pick. I have one small tomato,and last night I picked our first strawberry,of which we all took a bite. I have several zucchini and summer squash growing. The heat has been horrendous! We are now on the tail end of a heat wave-it has been in the 90's,not including the humidity,so the temps have been hovering around 100 degrees. Those of us here in NH are not used to such hot temps. At least if it was dry heat it wouldn't be quite so bad-outside wouldn't feel like wading through soup!! This is why spring and fall are my favorite times of the year.
Today is Rick's first PT appt since coming home. He is doing really well. He was by himself for a few hours yesterday. Zach and I went to Milton Town Beach and met up with My Dear Friend Michelle,her boys and a friend of her youngest son. I was a bit hesitant to leave him alone,but he assured me he would be fine. I had my cell phone,so if anything came up he could call,and we were only 15 minutes away. So while I was gone he did dishes,took a shower,walked the property,and did his exercises. He is exercising right now. Next week is his first post op appt with Dr Bernini up at Dartmouth. He is going to have xrays so they can see how everything is healing. Rick is hopeful that Dr Bernini will tell him he can start doing some small tasks. He can walk without the crutches,though he is still stiff,so he is not walking normally yet,he walks a bit stiff legged without the crutches.He is still wearing his circulation stockings,so hopefully he can talk those off next week. His pain level is very low,and any discomfort is from the stiffness-the pain he had before the surgery is completely gone and he says what he feels now is just a minor inconvenience. We are so very thankful!
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