Thursday, February 3, 2011

One More Storm....

The big old Nor'easter that has swept across the country finally hit us yesterday early in the morning. Zach's school had cancelled Weds classes on Tuesday night,as did most,if not all of,the school districts in NH,ME,and MA.Bear in mind,we New Englanders are used to getting snow,but not just so many storms in a short period of time. There is possibility of another system leaving a few inches this coming Saturday,and even another one coming through next week.While I am not a huge snow and cold fan, ( in fact, I only go outside when I have to in the winter months)I can't imagine living someplace without snow. We have gotten our money's worth out of our new snow blower we bought in October.For a while we thought it was going to go unused.

You can't see the snow falling in the above photo,but it was falling at a good clip. We have tarps on top of the woodpiles,so they won't get completely wet.
A little while later, the above photo shows how heavy the snow bands were. Can you see our next door neighbor's house? Just barely. It made me think back to "The Long Winter" by Laura Ingalls Wilder. The blizzards were so thick they couldn't even see the house next door,let alone a light shining in the neighbor's window. It made them feel like they were all alone in town.Can you imagine it being that heavy?
Here is our house. This was taken by Rick on his way out to snow blow. He and Brother B worked hard to try and at least take the base away,and as soon as they were done,it looked like they had done nothing at all. You can see Rick's footprints heading down to the street on the path. That was all cleaned up earlier.  Our poor mailbox is going to to get buried soon!

While the menfolk were outside, I was inside cleaning the bathroom,one of my least favorite jobs. I also got two loads of laundry washes,dried,and folded. I kept hot coffee going for the men. They both were covered in snow,and red faced when they came in. Brother B even had a three inch icicle hanging from his moustache!

Today we are back to normal. Zach is in school,and we are having light flurries. I am not sure how much snow we got,but we certainly got at least 12". Happily,the Groundhog did not see his shadow yesterday,but when does the early spring kick in?

Thoughts and prayers going out to my Aussie friends...hope you survived the cyclone OK.


  1. I can't imagine that amount of snow. Hope spring arrives soon :D

  2. We didn't get quite as much snow as was predicted, but still a fair amount. Schools were cancelled again today. We live in the country, but on a main road and were never snowed in.

  3. Our house faces a main road,but our driveway is on a Class 6 road that the town does not maintain. Our neighbors with plows do,thankfully! As soon as the town plowed the main road,it was covered again. I am waiting for that early Spring!
