Monday, March 14, 2011

Finished Socks

I finally did it! I finished a pair of socks!!!

The yarn I used was a  bit heavier than I was suppose to use,but I wanted to see how they would come out. These are great for scuffing around the house. Like with the mittens I knitted, I used four double ended needles. The pattern was from my book,"Very Easy Circular Knits" by Betty Barnden. While it is getting easier,I do admit I am still having a heck of a time with the SSK stitch. I find it very hard to get the left needle back through the two stitches,so I have had to just K2TOG on occasion.

Last night I started knitting Zach a pair of camouflage socks. Then I will knit Rick and Brother B each a pair.

We have had a lot of rain here in NH last week,and we have had water flowing continually into our basement (thankfully we have a good sub pump). The only problem is,our washing machine drainage and the sub pump drainage are the same pipe,so when the sub pump is doing it's thing,the washing  machine does not drain like it should. Brother B made a trip down to Brother Dale's yesterday to finish up our laundry.

In between the rain,temps in the 40's,and fog,we have lost quite a bit of snow. Our pathways are now grass. I can see the top half of the wagon in the front yard again. We do still have quite a bit of snow,however.We "Sprung Forward" on Saturday night,so now we are an hour ahead. It now doesn't get dark until 7:00 PM. I wish it would just stay like that year round. To be honest, I still don't why we change the time. It goes way back,and I think it has something to do with farming and giving farmers more daylight to work/harvest their crops.It's also suppose to save electricity,I guess.

My thoughts go out to those in Japan. Such terrible doings going on in Nature around the world lately.

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