Saturday, July 14, 2012

Post Pre

Last Saturday after I posted,my day got worse. I have the dubious distinction of not only having depression and anxiety,but I was diagnosed in 2003 with having PMDDS-PreMenstural Dysmorphic Disorder Syndrome. Let's just say it's PMS,but on massive steroids. (My apologies to my male readers-if you wish to pull your eyes out of your head instead of reading about my female issues,I understand. Please feel free to move on to someone else's blog-you won't hurt my feelings!) I have been very open about my mental issues,though I don't talk about it often-depression runs in my family-and I have been on meds since I was diagnosed. When all three decide to rear their ugly heads at once,it's not a pretty sight. Usually,the Effexor works pretty well-I still get some symptoms before that fun time o' the month,but I can usually control them pretty well. I get irritated quicker than usual,but I can talk myself down from it.

This month,however,there was no way I could do it. I could not control my thoughts,even when using ( or,shall I say, trying to use) rational thinking. Nope.My brain and my emotions were running a marathon,and I couldn't control anything I thought or said.I felt like a hamster on a fast spinning wheel that just wants to get off and rest,but I couldn't. There is nothing worse than feeling like you have no control over yourself. It's a rather scary feeling. I wanted to stop,but I couldn't. I had entered,as I refer to it as ,"the dark place". After I posted here,I had a melt down. Every little thing that I usually don't let bother me came out in a tirade.  "Why isn't the front of the garage clean? It was suppose to be done days ago...why can't you guys put your stuff away when your done? Why the hell is there an oil tank in the driveway? It's suppose to have been moved next door weeks ago? Why do are there tools all over the yard? I want a nice yard,a place I can go outside and relax,not see all this crap!" Poor Rick made an attempt to speak during this tongue lashing,at which I cut him off;"No! I don't want you to make this better,I just want you to hear me and let it out!" Bless his heart,he stood there,while I ranted and raved about nothing that in the scheme of things were very important at all. I am sure he wished he had some Holy Water that he could throw on me while yelling,"The power of Christ compels you! The power of Christ compels you!" ( That being said,we are not Catholic nor do we believe in exercising demons,but at the moment,he probably wished for both) Then I sobbed for several minutes,apologizing for going Bat Shit Crazy. I wasn't blaming him for anything,mind you,I was just venting because...I couldn't help it.He held me close,rubbed my back,and told me he loved me,and that he knew it wasn't anything personal against him. I just had to let some stuff out. I am so very lucky that I have  such an understanding hubby. And one with Valium. A tiny bit of that went a long way. I was finally able to calm down (I am not advocating taking non prescribed medication) and my Bat Shit Crazy I Am The Most Horrible Human Being In The World Because I Just Yelled at My Disabled Husband Over Nothing That Matters feeling finally disappeared. Until Tuesday. But at least Tuesday wasn't so very bad. I could at least control myself,which I was mighty grateful for.

Thursday I was able to have some Estrogen Time with My Dear Friend Michelle,and as usual,we chatted about everything and I came away feeling better. She thanked me for my kind words on my earlier post about her,but she also told me I shouldn't compare myself to others because everyone's circumstances are different. True that,Home Slice! While I can talk to Rick about anything and everything,it's lovely to have a girlfriend that I can do that with as well.

So now I am Post Pre,and I feel worlds more like myself. I reorganized my kitchen drawers to make things more convenient (no photos,sorry). I downsized our junk drawer into one smaller drawer,and was able to use the big drawer that held the junk into our silverware/tinfoil/sandwich bag/freezer bag drawer. No more bags in various places. I planted some Sweet Basil,Rosemary,and Hot and Spicy Oregano (I had to buy the plants,my seeds didn't take..though I did replant them in planters to see if might have better luck this time around). Rick and Zach added on to the chicken pen for the New Girls,and are in the process of tearing down the old turkey cage,and will build  some trellises for the cukes and peas.

I hope you have a fabulous day,where ever in the fabulous World you are! Thanks for hanging in with me and your kind words of encouragement!


  1. Sorry to hear that your world went into the Dark Place, but glad to hear it's getting better. Have you thought of consulting your doctor about a possible modification of your meds? It seems to me that you've given your all toward "just dealing" with your emotional/hormonal problems, and there might be some more help out there for you. You are very fortunate to have such supporting/understanding friends and family, but it's clear to me that you richly deserve that understanding and support.

    1. Thank you,Helen,for you nice comment. I have been giving a change in meds or in dosage lots of thought. It is probably what I will have to do.

  2. oh honey ---- you have been to the Dark Place and beyond! i am so sorry to hear that you have been hurting so much Donna! this is serious and should not be treated, as so many women in the past have been treated, with frivolity!

    honey - this is your place to vent and get support, to be heard and understood - please use this place as much as you need. i wish i was there to hug you. i feel like a sad and sorry excuse of a woman for not being there to take the pressure off of you. can you forgive?

    oh i hurt with you. like almost all women do. we'll get you through this...we will, hon.

    your friend,

    1. Thank you,Kymber. You are always there with an open heart and I appreciate it. Your words are always like a hug. Everyday is a new one...and I am much better now and feeling more like my old self. HUG!

  3. (HUGS) mate, shit I have blow ups like that on a weekly basis, I don't think I needs meds I just need Joe to clean up his shit! ♥

    1. Sue,I got to your response and laughed my ass off! In fact,I am giggling as I type this.You always bring laughter to my day. Thank you!!!

  4. Oh Donna, you are not the only one that goes "crazy" lol I ashamedly have had my "moments" and when I calm down and look around they have that same glazed over "is she done" look on their faces and I apologize all over myself, they have the same response, "it's ok mom your just stressed" Gee you think? lol DH is just like your sweet Rick, hugs and a shoulder to cry on. I call it hormone release. They aren't my proudest moments by any extreme and don't happen too often thankfully but to not extend my understanding and assurance you are not alone would be downright dishonest :) I was born with my emotions on my sleeves as they say so this display of emotion happens from time to time. It always starts the same way... I look around and see waaay too much left for mama to do and not enough hands helping. Does it every time :) Have a beautiful day! hugs :)
