Tuesday, January 22, 2013


The truck has been officially totaled by our insurance company,Progressive. If anyone out there is looking for an insurance company,we are very pleased and impressed with Progressive,even if we haven't spoken directly to Flo ;)

We should be receiving a check for the truck either today or tomorrow,and we were quite happy to learn that,with the exception of five hundred dollars to cover the deductible,we will be getting back  what we paid for it. Rick has been online checking out trucks to replace it with. He is doing much better. His left shoulder is still stiff,but overall he is much much better. Thankfully he had his seat belt on!!!

I am feeling better,still have a bit of a cough and tiredness,but I am feeling more like my old self. I even drove for the first time in almost two weeks on Sunday morning to grab a few items at the supermarket. It's amazing how things fall apart when the woman of the house is down and out. Apparently,I am the only human in the house who knows how to clean a toilet,though I am not the only one who uses one. ( Can you hear the sarcasm in my type?) Seriously though,it takes me to be sick for an extended period of time to realize how much I do and how,in all honesty,I am the glue that holds the household together. I am not saying that dishes,sweeping,or laundry didn't get done. Certainly the Menfolk did care of the basics,of course,but it was just the basics (well,most of them,anyway).

I look around and I can see that things just aren't homey when I am not on task. Stuff doesn't get put away. Things don't get wiped. Dust accumulates. Bear in mind,I am not the perfect homemaker by any stretch,but at least I dust! :)

Right now,our bedroom is in a state of flux. We began cleaning out our closets. Rick did a great job,winding up with three bags of trash and three bags of clothes to donate. He was also able to put some things that he wanted to keep up in the attic. However,I fell ill before he could get the pile that needs to go into the garage actually into the garage,and he didn't want to disturb me by going in and out lugging stuff,which I appreciate. Then of course,he fell ill for a couple of days,then he he was in the accident,and too stiff to move the stuff out.Now,however,he is feeling better as well as I,so we will be able to get back on track very soon.

Have a fabulous day on this Fabulous Planet!!


  1. I am so glad that you are both feeling better. I love progressive as well. They are wonderful and I never have ever had any problems with them :) I completely understand the housework not getting done while sick lol. I like you also realize just how much I do, which is nice for days when we look around and feel like we aren't doing much around the house. Just stop for a week and it's shocking to see what happens lol. Have a beautiful day :)
