Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Paint Prep

While we won't be able to redo our bathroom and kitchen before Christmas,we did want to at least spruce up our dining area.The goal is to make the dining area and kitchen one color,since they are one big room separated by a brick chimney and white beams on which make up a entrance way. Right now the kitchen is floor to ceiling white bead board,and I don't like white or floor to ceiling bead board.(It's not the style in the below photo,it's prefab,narrow board) It's all coming down and being replaced by sheet rock.Here is a photo of the dining area,the kitchen is behind me:
You can see our lovely pile of painting supplies,as well as what we had to take off of the mirror mantel.The mirror mantel was where the white cabinet is now. Yes,it is THE cabinet that I fell in love with and gaze at lovingly each day.I was using the brown chair to tape off the the walls.
There are two star candle holders on this wall,but one fell off as I was taping.If you look closely on the left side of the photo next to the door frame you can see a painted swatch of the new color that we are going use. It's called Charismatic by Behr,and it is one of those primer and paint combos. The photo doesn't really do either color justice. The yellow we have now has been our wall color for seven years,and it is a brighter yellow than it looks here. I picked it because this room is on the northwestern side of the house,so it doesn't get a lot of light,and there is only one window in this area. When our bedroom door is open it does lighten things a bit,since those windows face the south and the south west,but not enough.(Our door has my pink garden hat hanging on it).Now,however,I want something a little warmer feeling,and this new color has a nice,buttery tone to it.

This is the mirror mantle. ( I had taken this photo a couple years ago when I was drying lavender-that's what hanging off the candle holders!).The mirror mantle will be moved into the living room.
It's quite past time for paint,anyway. Our wood stove makes things a tad dirty,and it has been a couple of years since we painted. I will take some after photos when it's done. We are starting the painting tomorrow. I will be glad when I can put all my canning supplies into my new cabinet!!!

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