Monday, August 20, 2012

I had lovely Girl Time with My Dear Friend Michelle last Thursday. While the boys played we drank tea,had a few cookies,then she fed us all pizza and bread sticks.I told her she didn't have to lure me with pizza,I would've showed up anyway!  LOL!

As always,we chatted about a variety of subjects.Our conversations are never boring. We actually had one lady comment to us at the lake one day," I wasn't trying to listen,but you two have the most interesting conversations!"

My Dear Friend had organized her walk in closet (I fully admit I am jealous) and showed me her newly  made fabric covered storage boxes and board to hang her jewelry. She had gone through her old purses,and presented me with one she thought I could use for I travel to the VA,etc. with my Kindle. My purse is small,and it usually suits my needs,but when I go to the VA and have to store my sunglasses,reading glasses,Rick's reading glasses,and my Kindle when I know the wait will be awhile,it doesn't quite cut it.

Here is my purse and how I have to carry my Kindle. It makes for a tight fit. Yes,that is our new back splash,it's almost done,and I will post photos tomorrow. That is also a fresh little tomato :)

Ta Da!!!! Can't see that Kindle,can you? It has a perfect front pocket,and lots of other little storage areas so  I can lug what I need!

It's quite funny that My Dear Friend redid her closet,as earlier last week I decided that my job was going to be redoing our bedroom,and that includes MY closet. I have several photo albums,and they take up almost the whole top shelf of my closet. So I decided to buy photo boxes and get rid of the albums to save space. When I saw her closet,I was even more determined to get my stuff organized,and Friday I started taking all the photos out of the albums and put them in photo boxes. I got through four albums before I had to stop. It's rather monotonous work,and pulling the plastic page back and trying to scrape the photos off the sticky page without tearing them cut under my nails a bit. Saturday and yesterday I spent a good deal of time with some old high school buds,so that was as far I got. I will post photos another time.

Today I am going out to weed the garden and pick some veggies. Last night as I was walking our moose of dog Samson,I picked a couple of tomatoes. You saw the wee one in the photo above,but  I had to take a photo of the mutant looking one.
Piggy back tomato :)

One thing about Heirloom tomatoes ( I have Rutgers) is that they are not always pretty and perfect like the store bought ones. They have lovely cracks,crevices,and shapes. That's why they are so beautiful!

Hope you all have a lovely day on this Lovely Planet!

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